domenica 24 dicembre 2017

WING JONES | Katherine Webber

 These aren't the kind of tears that give you a sense of relief or wash the pain away. These tears hurt. Each and every one has made the perilous journey from my heart to my eyes.

 ~ INFO ~

Titolo: Wing Jones
Autore: Katherine Webber
Casa editrice: Walker 
Prezzo:   cartaceo £ 7.99
                e-book  £ 4.19
Trama: For fans of David Levithan, Jandy Nelson and Rainbow Rowell: a sweeping story about love and family from an exceptional new voice in YA. With a grandmother from China and another from Ghana, fifteen-year-old Wing Jones is often caught between worlds. But when tragedy strikes, Wing discovers a talent for running she never knew she had. Wing's speed could bring her family everything it needs. It could also stop Wing getting the one thing she wants.

~My Wandering Thoughts ~

I`m going to try and write this review in English. 
I don't know how it`s going to end, truth be told.
I wanted to read this book because I met the author at YALC and she was the sweetest person ever, and I was curious. 
Walker offered me the opportunity to read it (thanks again!) and so I dived into it. 

What can I say? I loved this story.
Wing, the main character, is simply great because she comes across as a very shy girl, self-conscious and insecure, and I can understand why. She has a Ghanian-Chinese heritage, that marks her as different, and she has also lived in her brother`s shadow, the so-called Golden Boy (good grades, football star etc), so when he ends up causing a car incident that kills a mother, not only is he in a coma but the family has to deal with the general hatred of the town. 
Despite all this, Wing goes on. I was heartbroken for her, at the beginning, but seeing her dedication and stubbornness and the way she handled things... It was inspiring. Truly inspiring and uplifting.
I liked to see the way she changed throughout the book, gaining her own strength and confidence, the friends she made thanks to running. 
I also wanted to talk about the running in this book. 
I really enjoyed the parts in which the running was described because I, being a runner myself, could totally identify myself, all the emotions and the feeling of being free that comes with it, just like Wing. I looked forward to the running descriptions. (yes, they were that good)
Regarding the secondary characters.
Some of them were a little stereotyped (see the mean girl, the football guys and so on) but others were written well. See Wing`s Grandmothers. I loved them so much because they literally made me laugh at tears. The way they picked up fights with one another was hilarious, and it was interesting seeing the differences between the two of them.
I really didn`t like the love story to be honest, because I found it very forced. Sure, some parts were actually cute but I think it would have been better without the love story. I say this because I think that Wing has this very immature idea of Aaron (the guy she likes). She sees him as this gorgeous guy, almost a hero to be worshipped and I don`t know. The fact that she is fifteen and he is eighteen? MEH. As I said before, It would`ve been better without all that.
Despite all this, I still liked it, and I adored the diversity in it, not only ethnic diversity but also the sexual diversity in it. 
It`s a really good book, especially for a teenager, I think because it`s deep and funny and cute and inspiring. 


Non penso pubblichero` qualcos`altro prima di Natale... percio` colgo l`occasione per augurarvi un feliceissimissimissimo  Natale

Buonissime letture e a presto 
Nora A.

sabato 23 dicembre 2017

LEGGERE IN INGLESE | Come e da dove incominciare, la mia esperienza, consigli

Salve a tutti.
Sto scrivendo questo post subito dopo aver pubblicato quello precedente.
E` da ben 3 anni che leggo in lingua, tanto da aver raggiunto quel livello di sicurezza che mi permette di dire "posso leggere qualsiasi libro in inglese", siano essi per bambini, young adult o classici.
Per questo voglio condividere con voi la mia esperienza e perche` no, dare dei consigli al riguardo.
Le cose scritte in rosso sono le mie esperienze

1. Capire quale sia il tuo livello di inglese. 

E questo e` molto importante perche` determinera` il tipo di libro che leggerete. Io considerero` i livelli principiante e intermedio (d`altronde se uno e` avanzato puo` benissimo leggere un libro in inglese senza alcun problema)

Principiante:  e` meglio aspettare prima di incominciare un vero e proprio

Scuse e spiegazioni pt. 50

Miei cari
Ormai questi post sono diventati una routine.
Ebbene si`, sono sparita un`altra volta!
Come ho detto in qualche post precedente,  mi sono trasferita in Inghilterra.